Just a click away. Wow !!!!
for your Institution!

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About Us

We are Paltech Systems Consultants.

We are a full time ICT company majorly in Medical, Education , other software developments and other ICT related.


Our mission is to inspire & unlock creativity with liberating technology.


To provide and develop innovative and high quality products, services and solutions which offer the best value to our customers. To continuously enhance client's value. To provide a better quality of technology for our clients and partners.


Transaparency, Commitment


Was formed in early 2000 and been in the market for over 20 year.


Due to the experience and the period which we have been in the service delivery sector and the tidioness of reconciliation we have settled the scores to a more simplified form for facility department interactions.

To bring simplicity within just clicking of few buttons.

1. Energy. (The movement hustle)
2. To monitor the applications and transactions from just a click.
3. Time managment
4. Central Control Point


Intresting to see this right!! Hope so too.. Yes we offer the following services.

Hospital Information Software. (HMIS)

Solution of all health facility i.e Clinic, Rehab, Dental, Hospital and Optical.

It has got all departments in it and all records for the facilty available by just a click.

School Managment Information Software(SMIS)

Solution for the schools and education Institutions

It has got all departments in it and all records for the facilty available by just a click.

Inter Facility Software (IFS)

Hustle reducer. Manages the invoicing of your fellow facilty and tracking its status till payment.

Stocks & Finance Mangment Software

Control of the stocks within a store and finance. To reduce the the hustles of paper work

CCTV Managment

Survailance managment and monitoring


Facility/Institution gargets communication.

Why Inter Facifilty?

Just a click of but and........

You Bill/Manage/Invoice/Report

You Track

You Smile



Hours Of Support

Hard Workers


Coming soooon...........................

Contact Us



+254 729 4462 43